New Video, June 2, opening day, Moresco’s reading

Adrian Paci, Vincenzo Latronico, Giancarlo Norese, Debora Ligorio, Claire Fontaine, Barbara Casavecchia and many others perform a collective reading of the cult book “Letters to No One” by Antonio Moresco, Spanish Pavilion 54th Biennale di Venezia.

This video was recorded by Luciana Andreani for UnDo.Net.

You can watch the video at:

Collective Reading of Letters to No One by Antonio Moresco, Spanish Pavilion, 54th Biennale di Venezia

Adrian Paci, Vincenzo Latronico, Giancarlo Norese, Debora Ligorio, Barbara Casavecchia e tanti altri, seduti in cerchio per una prima lecture durante i giorni dell’opening (de Lettere a Nessuno, Antonio Moresco). Un estratto in questo breve video (Riprese Luciana Andreani per UnDo.Net)

More info at:

“Museo in esilio”_laboratorio nel padiglione spagnolo L’Inadeguato a La Biennale di Venezia

Workshop with the participation, among others, of the artists Fausto Delle Chiaie, Andrea Lanini and Giuliano Nannipieri.

Giuliano Nannipieri

Andrea Lanini

Fausto delle Chiaie (and his trolley)


18 June

Museo dell’Arte Italiana in Esilio is a project developed by Cesare Pietroiusti with Alessandra Meo, Mattia Pellegrini and Davide Ricco, which has been a great inspiration and contribution for The Inadequate. The Museo dell’arte italiana in Esilio aims to create an art collection with the work of some artists who have been neglected for different reasons in the circuit of ‘professional art’ – or insider art. This collection will constitute a museum that will only exist outside Italy, establishing a geographic and conceptual exile, perhaps a ‘salon des refusés’ of these ‘artists’ artists’ exercising their influence from the safe distance of exile. Continue reading ‘“Museo in esilio”_laboratorio nel padiglione spagnolo L’Inadeguato a La Biennale di Venezia’

Outsider Art, Outside of What

A conversation between Daniela Rosi, Anna Daneri, Bianca Tosatti – hunters and collectors of what some have called “outsider art” – which is, they insisted, a social category, not an artistic one. With this conversation, some very valuable treasures joined the archive of The Inadequate. As an example, the image above belongs to:

Horst Ademeit, Cold rays, 1990-2004, a selection from 10.000 polaroids measuring X rays, laser rays, electomagnetic waves, cosmic dust. And, Leporello, 1990-2004, annotations giving more information about the polaroid series Continue reading ‘Outsider Art, Outside of What’

JUNE 16- Alessandro dal Lago, Serena Giordano, WURMKOS

INSERT: For the sake of truth/ en honor a la verdad

Nunca he dicho, como se escribe en ese artículo de Angela Molina que es un ejercicio de memoria vaga de una cosa que ella dijo que NO era una entrevista, nunca he dicho: “S.S. hace el trabajo de un insider; yo hago arte outsider”. Semejante frase nunca salió de mi boca (otras frases, sí). Lo que yo dije es: “S.S hace el trabajo de un insider; algunos de los artistas con los que he trabajado en Lo Inadecuado son verdaderos outsiders”.

For the sake of truth/ en honor a la verdad


AND ABOUT OUTSIDER ART, OUTSIDE OF WHAT?? Continue reading ‘JUNE 16- Alessandro dal Lago, Serena Giordano, WURMKOS’

Franco Rotelli, Carmen Roll, Giovanna Gallio

Franco Rotelli, Carmen Roll, Giovanna Gallio at the Spanish Pavilion.

Trieste, ex Ospedale psichiatrico di Trieste, Basagliana: conversation between Carmen Roll, Franco Rotelli, Peppe Dell’Acqua, Giovanna Gallio and Stefano Graziani.

14 June

Thirty years after the Basaglian revolution, which Basaglia started and the persons in this conversation, among others, accomplished, the issue is now if such a revolution can regress, in a time when personal freedom, right to work, emancipation and social compromise mean little.

Continue reading ‘Franco Rotelli, Carmen Roll, Giovanna Gallio’

Two films at the Spanish Pavilion

Very few people, in their tellings about the Spanish pavilion in this 54th Biennale in Venice, make reference to the two films that are shown in the pavilion. That’s why we thought that today, being the Biennale closed, was a good day to include here some information about them. So here they are:

The Deviant Majority, 34′, HD video, Dora García 2010

Continue reading ‘Two films at the Spanish Pavilion’

Christian Marazzi speaks with Federico Rahola

June 12

After three days of post-fordists artists on stage, supposed to propose an alternative, new and meaningful map of the Giardini and of theVenice Biennale in particular – and the concept of cultural event in general- but finally lost aimlessly in a discussion of why-I-do-not-get-paid-as-I-deserve-by-the-institution (forgetting that here the institution is famous for its absolute absence, and that we are not paid either, and that, if someone is supposed to pay them, is the person who invited them- Mr. Scotini, who perfectly knew from the very beginning the budget we had for this). Anyway, after a lot of post-fordist discussion, Marco Scotini’s No Order platform left the stage and Christian Marazzi took it, together with Federico Rahola. Continue reading ‘Christian Marazzi speaks with Federico Rahola’

June 5 Christian Frosi and Diego Perrone – “Parla, Petanca”

June 5,

Here are the videos and One picture of “Parla, Petanca”, or “Habla Petanca”, or “Speak, Petanca”, the contribution of artists Christian Frosi and Diego Perrone to “The Inadequate”. Dora García substitutes the white ball in this petanca game played over the floor of The Inadequate.

After each shot, Frosi and Perrone take turns to whisper in Garcia’s ear press releases of different alternative art spaces all over Italy. Dissident art in your ear. The public keeps insisting this performance is interactive; it isn’t – unless you call memes migration, interaction.
What is a meme?

To see the videos (very informative) please visit the following links:

Parla, petanca – at the Spanish pavilion, June 5, 54th Biennale de Venezia

Parla, petanca- by Frosi and Perrone at The Inadequate, Spanish Pavilion, 54th Venice Biennale, Part II

No Order Summit. A three day conference- Padiglione spagnolo – Biennale Venezia 2011

GUESTS!!!! Discussing what is going on in the Biennale.

Ever wanted to know the inner workings and budgets of the Spanish pavilion in Venice? open and transparent information soon to come here in this blog.

June 9-10-11 , Spanish Pavilion, 54th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia.
Every day from 10.00 a.m. till 1.00 p.m.

The event held on the occasion of the launch of the No Order. Art in a Post-Fordist Society magazine, published by Archive Books (Berlin) is a response to the invitation by Dora Garcia and the Spanish Pavilion to participate in the program The Inadequate/Lo Inadecuado designed for the 54th International Art Exhibition in Venice. Using the publishing project with the same title as a pretext, No Order summit will gather some of its contributors, with the aim to develop a platform for research and investigation on the creative industries, contemporary working conditions, processes of self-determination, self-representation and new forms of coalition of the workers in knowledge-based economy. Participants: Etcétera…, Angela Melitopoulos, Christian Marazzi, M9 Coordination, Florian Schneider, Marco Scotini, S.a.L.E. Docks, Société Réaliste.

Emilio Prini

As of today, we have a work of Emilio Prini in the pavilion. Luca Lopinto came to install it and to talk with me and some other people like Eva, Jan or Geoffrey,  about Emilio Prini, fundamental, elegant, enigmatic artist. The Inadequate is most honoured and has become a bit better thanks to that… Continue reading ‘Emilio Prini’