Christian Marazzi speaks with Federico Rahola

June 12

After three days of post-fordists artists on stage, supposed to propose an alternative, new and meaningful map of the Giardini and of theVenice Biennale in particular – and the concept of cultural event in general- but finally lost aimlessly in a discussion of why-I-do-not-get-paid-as-I-deserve-by-the-institution (forgetting that here the institution is famous for its absolute absence, and that we are not paid either, and that, if someone is supposed to pay them, is the person who invited them- Mr. Scotini, who perfectly knew from the very beginning the budget we had for this). Anyway, after a lot of post-fordist discussion, Marco Scotini’s No Order platform left the stage and Christian Marazzi took it, together with Federico Rahola.

Could I sum up what Marazzi and Rahola discussed? let me try:

– the very concept of capitalism is built in the construction of marginalities.

– there was a brief moment, between the 60’s and the 80’s, where the worker’s power moved to the very center of capitalism. This did not last, because the next generation of workers, did not want to be workers anymore. The Capitalism of the margins came back.

– and now it is big time for the Capitalism of the margins; it does not want to integrate, it is rather advisable to leave 20% of people out of the production market than making the effort to integrate them.

– the margins have fractalized. Free-lancism is everywhere, and the possibility of stepping out of the productive circle is a reality for everyone, all the time.

– we are in a culture of boundaries, margins. They move and embrace you, they move and disembrace you.

– censorship is a way to create boundaries. With the latest developments in popular technology, censorship is having a hard time, since the purpose of things is becoming harder and harder to locate, and capitalism (why I dislike that word the moment I write it, and dislike myself writing it?) is being appropriated by “the cloud effect” – all personal files are located in a central information system (icloud).

– biopower: economy is not producing goods, but whole bodies.

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