Wednesday, November 2 - 18.30h
Dora wrote
Dora García, through Skype, sees the cushion embroidered with her face made by Andrea Lanini and shown to her by Cesare Pietroiusti. Talia Romero laughs at Dora’s comment: “Oh my God!”
In the Venice Biennale, that has never offered its exhibitors any calendar of opening days, programming, list of services or any information for that matter, there are certain days in which the Biennale was supposed to be closed, and, look, it has to be open. So there is no free day for anybody, and worse still, you have to improvise a program for that day, when your pavilion is largely performance-based.
Through conversation with William Holden (see /blog/?p=551), these days were baptized as “days of avantgarde and embarrassment”. and their program, “special avantgarde and embarrassment program”. Continue reading ‘Exile, Avantgarde, and embarrassment’