Daily Archive for June 22nd, 2011

Radicalism/Beppe Caccia, Francesco Raparelli and Marco Baravalle

Governed/governors, the inadequacy of the relation of sovereignty: radically rethinking democracy (Beppe Caccia) & New Institutionality or institutions of the municipality (Francesco Raparelli).

A quite and absorbing conversation. A golden concept: the only democracy is the democracy of the tumult.

Tumult: a loud noise, especially that produced by an excited crowd, or a state of confusion, change or uncertainty.


The Dreams of The Prisoners

The Dreams of the Prisoners

Sensibili alle foglie archive

photocopied manuscript of transcriptions from prisoners’ dreams, 1984

The Dreams of the Prisoners is the first document produced by sensibili alle foglie archive (http://www.sensibiliallefoglie.it/). In the year 1984, a group of prisoners in the “special prisons” (carceri speciale), constructed for the prisoners coming from the armed struggle in Italy – isolated, with almost no contact with the exterior word- decided to put in common their dreams. The dreams where then transcribed and the photocopy of the original manuscript is now inside a vitrine in the Spanish Pavilion.

Nicola Valentino was one of those prisoners and yesterday he told the following story, in answer to my question: “In the circumstances that these dreams were transcribed, what you had in mind had anything to do with Freudian psychoanalysis, very specially in the relation to censorship and codification?”

He answered:

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