Nanni Balestrini was the first conversation held in the Spanish Pavilion in Venice within the project The Inadequate. This is chapter 8 in the guide (/performanceguide/)
Nanni Balestrini spoke within the category of “Language”. He is a poet, first and foremost, an artist, a witness (as he says) of history, a writer, and certainly an inspiration for this project. The conversation was led by Marco Baravalle. People had to get very close to him as there is no translation, no amplification, and no recording of the conversation; it is a real conversation. This happened as well the day after the “official opening” and therefore it was the first real day of The Inadequate, without ministers (always welcome, but hard to concentrate with them) and without hysteric crowd, more or less.
We spoke how else, about “Vogliamo tutto” (We want everything), his portrait of a new type of working class young man in the Italy of the seventies, one who refused (an important word in this project) to comply with both the exigencies of the patrons, and with the ideology of the communist party, a partyless political figure of youth and revolt who simply could not accept a lifetime of alienating and idiotic work. But also, a book written in the first person, stream of consciousness modus, divided in paragraphs without chapters and without plot progression. About 10 people participated in the conversation.
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