Archive for the 'Lo inadecuado' Category

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Luz Intolerable

A riflettori spenti

– La 54a biennale di Venezia

por Valeria Burgio

revista Alfabeta2 No. 11

originally at

(fragmento, traducido del italiano por Dora García)

L’état, ce n’est pas moi.

“Un artista es inadecuado para representar un país, un país es inadecuado para ser representado por un artista”. La frase de Dora García, que de este modo responde a la invitación de representar a España en la 54° Biennale di Venezia, puede irritar, como irrita toda forma de resistencia nacida de una aparente modestia y como irrita la humildad de Bartleby que a cada propuesta responde, entre triste y sumiso, “Preferiría que no”. Continue reading ‘Luz Intolerable’

La Esfinge y El Carabiniere

Ocurrido ayer durante la performance “Ensayo / retrospectiva”

Francesc Tosquelles – Learning From Madness

foto: Talia Romero

We are trying out from on tomorrow a guided tour per day, in English and Spanish, at 12:00 pm. First there will be a general introduction to the project and then there will be a more detailed and informal tour to each of the archive rooms. This is made thanks to the very generous collaboration of the AECID interns in the pavilion- and I am very thankful to them!

Also, please mind that on Friday 8th July 11:00 we will enjoy de visit of Maurizio Lazzaratto, to talk with me and with Marco Baravalle on the very fundamental, but what a shame almost forgotten, Catalan psychiatrist Francesc Tosquelles. Continue reading ‘Francesc Tosquelles – Learning From Madness’

Robert Walser, Gianfranco Baruchello

For two days we spoke about Robert Walser with Gino Giometti (who read without stop the clinic reports of the doctor who treated Walser in Herisau) and Lucas Marco Gisi. Gino Giometti is the translator and editor of Robert Walser in Italy; the clinical reports he read showed a Robert Walser completely uninterested in his own legacy to posterity, reading popular magazines, talking to his voices, and surveilled closely by Carl Seelig, who dubiously encouraged him constantly to write again while repeating in all newspapers that Robert Walser would never ever write again. Continue reading ‘Robert Walser, Gianfranco Baruchello’

A few days away from Venice, but this happened while I was away.

First of all, the first letter of Aldo Piromalli arrived. This is the chapter No. 45 of the performance The Inadequate:

Aldo Piromalli’s letters.

Timing: random

The artist Aldo Piromalli might randomly send a series of letters to the Spanish Pavilion, addressed to The Inadequate.

Aldo Piromalli (Rome, 1946) is a poet and an artist. He wrote his first poem at the age of nine and soon became one of the protagonists of the Roman beat scene of the sixties. In 1971 he was sentenced to prison for marihuana use and, once released, left Italy and established himself in Amsterdam. He is the author of the graphic novel Psychiatry, or Death of the Soul (1977).

Then there was, on Saturday 25th, the projections of films by Alberto Grifi. The Grifi archive has been very generous with us and we have all the following films to be projected from now until the end of Biennale: Continue reading ‘A few days away from Venice, but this happened while I was away.’

Friday June 24: Eva Fabbris tells about the meeting with Corrado Levi, Liliana Rampello, and Marguerita Morgantin

Dear Dora,

Corrado Levi explored his memories on Mario Mieli, commenting a series of photos screened in front of us. “The first time they met, in San Babila in Milan, Mario was taking the streets wearing a long evening dress of his mother, decorated with two stars made of real diamonds”. The first photo Corrado commented was taken in San Remo, where Mario went to protest against a Psychiatry summit focussing on how to beat the problem of homosexuality. Then reflections on his books, especially on “Elementi di critica omosessuale”; the experience of “Fuori”; the theater piece “La Traviata Norma”. Continue reading ‘Friday June 24: Eva Fabbris tells about the meeting with Corrado Levi, Liliana Rampello, and Marguerita Morgantin’

Radicalism/Beppe Caccia, Francesco Raparelli and Marco Baravalle

Governed/governors, the inadequacy of the relation of sovereignty: radically rethinking democracy (Beppe Caccia) & New Institutionality or institutions of the municipality (Francesco Raparelli).

A quite and absorbing conversation. A golden concept: the only democracy is the democracy of the tumult.

Tumult: a loud noise, especially that produced by an excited crowd, or a state of confusion, change or uncertainty.


The Dreams of The Prisoners

The Dreams of the Prisoners

Sensibili alle foglie archive

photocopied manuscript of transcriptions from prisoners’ dreams, 1984

The Dreams of the Prisoners is the first document produced by sensibili alle foglie archive ( In the year 1984, a group of prisoners in the “special prisons” (carceri speciale), constructed for the prisoners coming from the armed struggle in Italy – isolated, with almost no contact with the exterior word- decided to put in common their dreams. The dreams where then transcribed and the photocopy of the original manuscript is now inside a vitrine in the Spanish Pavilion.

Nicola Valentino was one of those prisoners and yesterday he told the following story, in answer to my question: “In the circumstances that these dreams were transcribed, what you had in mind had anything to do with Freudian psychoanalysis, very specially in the relation to censorship and codification?”

He answered:

Continue reading ‘The Dreams of The Prisoners’

Sensibili alle foglie in the Spanish Pavilion

Today on the stage: Cesare Pietroiusti, Nicola Valentino, Maria Rita Prette, myself, and artist Rosella Biscotti.

This morning as usual, 10:00, an enormous flow of visitors, punctual as always, comes in. I am busy organizing our new vitrine with the treasures, in the format of colour photocopies, that Daniela Rossi and Bianca Tosatti brought last Thursday. Wonderful works by Horst Ademeit, Rino Ferrari, Antonello Stupino and others.

However, as I was extremely busy fighting my way among crowds of visitors, a specially angry middle-aged -or perhaps just aged, gentleman, started to insistently talk to me in Italian: Continue reading ‘Sensibili alle foglie in the Spanish Pavilion’

New Video, June 2, opening day, Moresco’s reading

Adrian Paci, Vincenzo Latronico, Giancarlo Norese, Debora Ligorio, Claire Fontaine, Barbara Casavecchia and many others perform a collective reading of the cult book “Letters to No One” by Antonio Moresco, Spanish Pavilion 54th Biennale di Venezia.

This video was recorded by Luciana Andreani for UnDo.Net.

You can watch the video at:

Collective Reading of Letters to No One by Antonio Moresco, Spanish Pavilion, 54th Biennale di Venezia

Adrian Paci, Vincenzo Latronico, Giancarlo Norese, Debora Ligorio, Barbara Casavecchia e tanti altri, seduti in cerchio per una prima lecture durante i giorni dell’opening (de Lettere a Nessuno, Antonio Moresco). Un estratto in questo breve video (Riprese Luciana Andreani per UnDo.Net)

More info at: