Monthly Archive for November, 2011

THE END IS GETTING CLOSER. I did not want to go but I was hopeless.

Adieu… the last day of the artist without works, in the Spanish Pavilion in Venice of course! we’ll see him again in happier and warmer places very soon. Finir en beauté, as the French and Balzac (who was, guess, French!) say, we are finishing in beauty, The Artist Without Works did not want to go but he was hopeless, as myself as well, hopeless about cultural politics in Spain… but we’ll meet again, don’t know when, don’t know where, but I know we’ll meet again on SUNNY DAY!!


Tomorrow: Francesco Matarrese and Davide Savorani conclude six months of inadequacy.


The end is near.


 All things, however eternal they might appear to us, have an end. So The Inadequate has an end as well as the project for the Spanish Pavilion in Venice. The Inadequate will keep on existing, however, in a different form: The Inadequate archive.

To mark this transition, from performance to archive, we have organized a series of events in the weekend 26-27 November. Continue reading ‘The end is near.’

A contribution by artisfizio e trojart

Innesto compiuto su “Lo inadecuado” di Dora García al Padiglione Spagnolo dei Giardini durante la 54. Biennale d’Arte di Venezia (2011)
Continue reading ‘A contribution by artisfizio e trojart’

EXIST-RESIST. Una narración de Talía Romero

Sobre el Museo Italiano de Arte en el Exilio (Museo dell’Arte italiana contemporanea in esilio)

por Talía Romero

Hola Dora, te he escrito un pequeño resumen del ultimo finde de octubre cuando estuvieron aqui los del Museo en el Esilio. Ya me dices lo que te parece.

Después de haber leído la publicación en el blog del pasado día 19 de junio /blog/2011/06/museo-dellarte-contemporanea-italiana-in-esilio/ poco tengo que decir con respecto a tan buena descripción del proyecto por parte de Mattia.

Mi intención aquí es contarte lo que pasó en ese intenso fin de semana del 28, 29 y 30 de octubre en el Pabellón con los del exilio. Continue reading ‘EXIST-RESIST. Una narración de Talía Romero’

Exile, Avantgarde, and embarrassment

Dora García, through Skype, sees the cushion embroidered with her face made by Andrea Lanini and shown to her by Cesare Pietroiusti. Talia Romero laughs at Dora’s comment: “Oh my God!”

In the Venice Biennale, that has never offered its exhibitors any calendar of opening days, programming, list of services or any information for that matter, there are certain days in which the Biennale was supposed to be closed, and, look, it has to be open. So there is no free day for anybody, and worse still, you have to improvise a program for that day, when your pavilion is largely performance-based.

Through conversation with William Holden (see /blog/?p=551), these days were baptized as “days of avantgarde and embarrassment”. and their program, “special avantgarde and embarrassment program”. Continue reading ‘Exile, Avantgarde, and embarrassment’