The prehistory of The Inadequate: MM at Nomas Foundation, Rome

Mad Marginal: antipsychiatry tradition and marginality as artistic position.A seminar by Dora Garcia with Claudia de Michelis, Cesare Pietroiusti and Nicola Valentino

22 June 2010

In occasion of the third appointment of the Reading Room, Nomas Foundation and FormContent present Mad Marginal: antipsychiatry tradition and marginality as artistic position, a project by Dora Garcia exploring the relation between radical politics and radical art in the decade of the 70ties and its translation into today.

Through a series of conversations, Dora Garcia researches the idea of marginality as a political position in art. She applies the tradition of antipsychiatry and specifically the “Basaglian revolution” as a prism to look at artists who have consciously chosen to remain outside the mainstream. In Rome she will discuss these topics with Claudia De Michelis, Museo Laboratorio della Mente, Cesare Pietroiusti, artist, Nicola Valentino, co-founder of the publishing house Sensibili alle foglie.

Dora García (Valladolid, Spain, 1965) lives and works in Brussels. Her work, conceptual in nature, consists of text, photographs, and installations restricted to a specific location. Often drawing on participation and performance, the artist presents reality as multiple and questionable and explores the relationship between the artist, the work, and the public. She participated to biennials in Athens, Lyon (2009), Sidney and Seville (2008) and to Münster Sculpture Projects (2007). Solo shows were held at CGAC in Santiago de Compostela (2009), at Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig (2007) and at SMAK in Gent (2006).

Mad Marginal consists of a series of workshops, seminars and performances; of an archive research on historical documentation; of a curatorial exercise focusing on projects by contemporary artists; of the participation of the artist to the Faenza Contemporary Art Festival; of a publication and a short experimental film. The final presentation of the project will take place at the Fondazione Galleria Civica-Centro di Ricerca sulla Contemporaneità di Trento. Mad marginal was initiated by Fondazione Galleria Civica di Trento and continued with the collaboration of Peep-Hole Milan, Sint-Lukas Hogeschool Brussels, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, Belgium, FormContent and Nomas Foundation.
Reading Room represents both a real and an immaterial space dedicated to the discussion, research and exploration of topics related to the exhibition programme. It is an evolving archive and framework of the creative process leading to the exhibitions. Reading Room is an ever changing dispositif that fosters a polysemous, collective, multilayered reflection on aspects of contemporary culture.

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