Credits The Inadequate


The Inadequate is a project initiated by Dora García in collaboration with Marco Baravalle, Barbara Casavecchia,
Anna Daneri, Vincenzo de Bellis, Eva Fabbris, Stefano Graziani, Cesare Pietroiusti and Bruna Roccasalva.

The Inadequate wants to thank all participants for being in this project.

The programmer of the internet site is Martín Nadal.

The graphic designer is Alex Gifreu.

The publication and text coordinator is Carolina Núñez.

The coordinator of The Inadequate is Eva Fabbris.


The Inadequate has been developed for the Spanish Pavilion in the 54th Venice Biennial, 2011.

The pavilion has been organized by AECID (Agencia española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo)
with the collaboration of AC/E (Acción Cultural Española).

The curator of the pavilion is Katya García-Antón.

The architect of the pavilion is Olga Subirós.